Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Changes in Mental Illness Treatment Essay - 778 Words

The Changes in Mental Illness Treatment Since the early 1990s, the progress of mental illness treatment has increased quickly. Many patients with mental illness have been able to leave hospitals and live normal lives because of advancement in treatment. The treatment of mental illness has changed in many ways. Some of these ways are medical technology, medication, and the housing treatment. These changes in mental illness healing have led to a great success. Medical technology is one change that has led to advanced treatment of mental illness since the early 1900s. Firstly, â€Å"images produced by positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resources imaging (MRI) technology have revealed that a lot of the mental†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Hallucinations and voices that caused schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders have been stopped with the use of new medications†. (MHT, 2) â€Å"Just as aspirin can reduce a fever without curing the infection that causes it, psychotherapeutic medications act by controlling symptoms,† (MFMI, 4). â€Å"Another advantage of these medications is an increased understanding of the causes of mental illness. Scientists investigate the results of the medications, and through these results, they have learned a great deal about the working of the brain system.† (MFMI, 4) The use of new drugs has made it possible for mentally ill persons to live a normal life. Apart from medical technology and medications, the housing treatment has played a great role in improving the treatment of mental illness since the early 1990s. First and foremost, in the past the patients of mental illness were treated as prisoners by being isolated in hospitals or asylums but now they are treated as normal human beings with great care and respect. Secondly, in the past the patients stayed in the hospitals for long periods of time, whereas nowadays patients stay in their home community for most treatments. Only in severe cases, such as violent patients or those who cause harm to themselves may be required to stay in hospitals or more intense observation. Another form of housing treatment is community treatment in which the patients are treated in a friendly way while inShow MoreRelatedMental Illness Is Not Like A Headache1142 Words   |  5 Pages Mental illness affects many people in the world. As people are able to learn more and science improves more therapies become available. However as with all treatments there is a number of issues one must consider when deciding on the right therapy. Mental illness is not like a headache where one knows what is wrong and can take a aspirin. Mental illness varies in so many ways that treatment varies among everyone who suffers from the disease. 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