Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Fast food marketing to children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fast food marketing to children - Essay Example Multinational corporations like McDonald’s serve millions of fast food daily, but some of their marketing strategies are unethical since they target children. Fast food marketing is unethical since it leads to future social problems such as unhealthy nation and high medical costs. In this case, the fast food companies and the entire country will lack healthy employees who can contribute to the economic development of the country (Boone & Kurtz, 2015). Â  The proponents of fast food marketing towards children assert that companies must meet their business objectives of ensuring high return to investors and thus it is possible to ensure responsible marketing towards children. Fast food marketing is thus ethical if it creates a balance between the commercial interests of the company and need to promote positive behaviour (Boone & Kurtz, 2015). In this case, fast food retail outlets such as McDonald’s have incorporated the meal components and need for physical exercise in their latest advertisements thus promoting healthy living. Â  The proponents of fast food marketing claim that there is high competition in the market and thus businesses should use aggressive marketing tactics to increase their revenues. In this case, fast food marketing is ethical as long as it adheres to the business regulatory framework regarding food advertisement (Boone & Kurtz, 2015). Fast food marketing to children is unethical since children lack the cognitive skills to understand the nutritional content and the healthy dangers of consuming such foods.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

For what reason has the role of the British Prime Minister been viewed Essay

For what reason has the role of the British Prime Minister been viewed by some critics as increasingly 'presidential' in nature - Essay Example 34). An individual has to justify some specified qualifications in order for them to be chosen as prime ministers. To start with, they ought to be members of parliament (MPs) before they are chosen to the position. The politician also needs to be a leader of any party so as to qualify as a prime minister. Lastly, for one to become a prime minister they ought to be leaders of a party that has mainstream control of the House of Commons. Once the prime minister has been given the position, he or she is charged with the responsibility of carrying out some duties. These are what are known as the roles of the prime minister in the constitution of the government of the United Kingdom. The prime minister is charged with the obligation of creating the government, leading administrative policies, supervising the cabinet, organizing the government, regulating parliament and to sum up, he or she offers state leadership (Bennister, 2012: pg. 150) The prime minister plays the role of supervising the cabinet in that, he or she is the chairperson of the same cabinet. He or she chairs the cabinet during the meetings in which they meet on an average of once during the week. The agenda to be discussed during the meetings are decided on by the prime minister who also approves the minutes of their meeting. The prime minister apart from convening the cabinet meetings, he spells the time it will last and the type of layout that will be followed (Thomas, 1998:pg.100). According to Baldwin, N., (2006: 60), the prime minister synchronizes the government policies with the help of specific ministers and also via the cabinet. The whole process of coordinating the government sets off even before the elections are determined. The person who is seen as the potential prime minister oversees the frameworks of the policy as they are drafted in their party proposal. Once these persons are elected in office, they are