Friday, December 20, 2019

Intelligence And Its Effects On Socioeconomics - 1597 Words

Vince Belgera Behrend AP Seminar 1 December, 2015 Intelligence and its Effects on Socioeconomics If a person was to search up the richest men and women in the world they would find a list that included names such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Carlos Slim Helu and if they were then asked to identify what connects these billionaires together most people would answer that they are smart, if not some of the smartest individuals in the world evident in the way they conduct business and money. Even people with jobs such as investors and stock brokers are considered to be intelligent by the common masses and that because of their intellect these characters are able to gain themselves financial security and financial independence. Now while there are those that believe in other factors that attribute to financial success such as personal connections and luck, I believe that intelligence is a prime factor that can have an effect on your financial well being as well as your socioeconomic status. There is evidence that intelligence can be affected by environmental factors such as socioeconomic status, which can also affect how successful students are in schools and on standardized tests such as the SAT. Further studies indicate that as both a person’s intelligence and education increases so does their future income and how intelligence can be a powerful predictor of job success. This paper will delve into these observations and more to provide a successful argument thatShow MoreRelatedThe Attainment Of Wealth And Social Status1479 Words   |  6 Pagesthe beginning of civilizations. Socioeconomic status [SES] is defined â€Å"as a measure of one’s level of education and income† (Friedman, H., Schustack, 2012, pg.420). 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