Saturday, December 28, 2019

Analysis Of Plato s The Crito - 980 Words

Title In Plato’s work, The Crito, he explores one of the last day of Socrates’ life as he is found sleeping in a prison cell by one of his closes friends, Crito. Crito is emotionally crippled at the thought of the loss of his friend, and is passionately trying to convince him to escape or run away and avoid his future death set by the court. As stubborn as Socrates is, he believes for many reasons that escaping is neither the just or devout thing to do in his situation. He provides many points and explanations to his reasoning, stressing some of the most important ones, while at the same time having Crito explain many values that were important to his people during his time. Socrates lays out the fundamentals of what he means to be alive and accept his death and challenges Crito to see his reasoning. Socrates never directly tells Crito that he is wrong, but he forces and asserts his point of mind to Crito. Crito begins his argument by explaining how despairing his famil y and friends will have when Socrates accepts his sentence. He also states that people will think scarcely of him for not convincing Socrates to run away or prevent his fate and doing nothing about it. Crito goes on to explain to Socrates that he should not be worried about the fact that his friends and family is helping him escape his fate by paying money and using other resources to help him get out of jail, for Crito believes that a small amount of money is not the same as losing a dear friend thatShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Plato s Apology And Crito Essay1857 Words   |  8 Pages Final Paper The word â€Å"philosophy† can be defined as someone’s theory as to how one should live their life. For Socrates, in Plato’s Apology and Crito, the concept of the human soul drives the actions in which he lives his life. 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EBook Collection,

Friday, December 20, 2019

Intelligence And Its Effects On Socioeconomics - 1597 Words

Vince Belgera Behrend AP Seminar 1 December, 2015 Intelligence and its Effects on Socioeconomics If a person was to search up the richest men and women in the world they would find a list that included names such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Carlos Slim Helu and if they were then asked to identify what connects these billionaires together most people would answer that they are smart, if not some of the smartest individuals in the world evident in the way they conduct business and money. Even people with jobs such as investors and stock brokers are considered to be intelligent by the common masses and that because of their intellect these characters are able to gain themselves financial security and financial independence. Now while there are those that believe in other factors that attribute to financial success such as personal connections and luck, I believe that intelligence is a prime factor that can have an effect on your financial well being as well as your socioeconomic status. There is evidence that intelligence can be affected by environmental factors such as socioeconomic status, which can also affect how successful students are in schools and on standardized tests such as the SAT. Further studies indicate that as both a person’s intelligence and education increases so does their future income and how intelligence can be a powerful predictor of job success. This paper will delve into these observations and more to provide a successful argument thatShow MoreRelatedThe Attainment Of Wealth And Social Status1479 Words   |  6 Pagesthe beginning of civilizations. Socioeconomic status [SES] is defined â€Å"as a measure of one’s level of education and income† (Friedman, H., Schustack, 2012, pg.420). The factors that contribute to one’s success have dumbfounded the masses. What makes a person more successful? Some may say the combination of hard work and hint of luck is the key to success. However, it recent years psychologists have questioned whether there is a correl ation between socioeconomic status and personality. ResearchersRead MoreHow Socioeconomic Status Affects Cognitive Development of Children1722 Words   |  7 Pagesfactors, one of the important ones being socioeconomic status (SES). SES can be defined as a multidimensional construct, including measures of social factors such as power, prestige and hierarchical social status, and economic resources (Hackman and Farah, 2009). Child development can be studied from multiple dimensions such as physical, mental, social, and emotional development among others. For the purposes of this study, I will be focusing on how socioeconomic status affects child cognitive developmentRead MoreUntangling the Relationship Between Race and Intelligence1543 Words   |  7 PagesThe debate concerning the nature of the relationship between race and intelligence has been highly contested by psychologists for many years. With the emergence of genetic research in recent times, some clarity has been provided, however, many unanswered questions still remain. This essay discusses the implications of IQ test scores and the potentially misleading information they generate when administered to non-Western individuals. Although it is argued that race is a dynamic social construct andRead MoreIntelligence And The Theory Of Multiple Intelligences1578 Words   |  7 PagesTaylor Ward Mrs. Behrend AP Seminar December 14, 2015 Intelligence and Socioeconomics According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, intelligence is â€Å"the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills,† though, there are many different perspectives regarding intelligence. Some believe the human species is born with a natural intelligence. Others, consider that possessed intelligence is developed by the interactions and experiences of an individual. The ongoing argument of whether a genius bornRead MoreUntangling the Relationship Between Race and Intelligence1240 Words   |  5 PagesA psychosocial phenomenon known as ‘race’ has the power to bind a group of people together and determine how they are expected to behave (Kendig, 2011). Our behaviour is determined by another phenomenon known as ‘intelligence’ (Colom, Karama, Jung, Haier, 2010). Since these are both such fundamental aspects of how our society functions, it is crucial for psychologists to understand how these factors interact. However, despite many circulating theor ies, psychologists have yet to agree upon the extentRead MoreThe Positive Effect of High Quality Childcare on Childrens Cognitive Development1452 Words   |  6 Pagescomplex interaction between biological and environmental factors (Feinstein, 2003, as cited in Wong, Edwards, 2013). There are multiple factors that occur in early childhood including breastfeeding, parental intelligence and obstetric complications that have been researched to understand the effect that they have on children cognitive development extending into adolescence and adulthood. However, research regarding these variables has been met with several limitations. It will be argued that the qualityRead MoreThe Decline of the Worlds IQ1093 Words   |  5 Pagesour IQ into the basement. It’s called dysgeneic fertilization, and it has been happening for as long as we’ve been recording intelligence. Although this decline can be seen across the board, not everyone is affected the same way or to the s ame extent. With each generation that passes a gap widens between those retaining intelligence and those hemorrhaging intelligence. Action must be taken to prevent the gap from widening in order to stem a social divide and dystopia from forming. Declining intellectRead MoreIq Test Strengths and Weaknesses726 Words   |  3 Pagesperson has and helps them to improve upon those weaknesses. A main weakness of IQ testing is properly designing a test to accurately determine intelligence across a broad spectrum of society. Groups which have done better on IQ test have historically been part of the group designing the IQ test itself. IQ test also cant determine various forms intelligence which are important to society, such as the ability to work well with others or work well with your hands. A big weaknesses in IQ testing isRead MoreChildhood Obesity and Its Effect1260 Words   |  6 Pagesor self-worth, is important as it helps develop personality and is a major ingredient to our mental health status (Wang, F. and Veugelers, P. J., 2008). Some have said obesity may even have a negative effect on cognitive development, as well. There have been studies performed to research the effects of obesity on children and adolescents, which I am going to review. First, let me discuss some statistics that have been measured by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Within theRead MoreIs Intelligence A Malleable Trait?1166 Words   |  5 PagesIs Intelligence a Malleable Trait? An overwhelming majority of people in the world believe that intelligence is fixed. They believe that from birth, those 46 chromosomes are the deciding factor between an educated businessman and an employee working on an assembly line. When deciding which topic, I was interested in discussing for my research paper, a memory from second grade popped into my mind. I remember that my classmates and I were in IDEAS class, and it was the first day where we would break

Thursday, December 12, 2019

WalMart Essay Research Paper Justin DenmanAccounting and free essay sample

Wal-Mart Essay, Research Paper Justin Denman Accounting and Auditing Procedures March 4, 2000 Writing Assignment # 1 Gross Recognition Policies The intent of this paper is to compare the gross acknowledgment policies of two companies in the hunt, sensing, pilotage, counsel, and aeronautical systems industry. The two companies I have selected are Aerosonic Corporation, and Esco Electronics Company. Esco Electronics Company is engaged in the design, industry, sale and support of engineered merchandises. These merchandises are used chiefly in filteration/fluid flow applications, electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ) testing, and electric public-service corporation communications and control systems. The filtration/fluid flow and EMC testing merchandises are supplied to a wide base of industrial and commercial clients worldwide. At the present clip, electric public-service corporation communications systems are marketed chiefly to clients in North America. The four primary industry sections of Esco are Filtration/Fluid Flow, Test, Communications, and other. In order for Esco to conform with by and large accepted accounting rules, direction must do careful estimations in fixing the fiscal statements. These estimations are for awaited contract costs and grosss earned during the life of the contract. These sums affect the reported sums of assets and liabilities on the company? s fiscal statements. Actual consequences could differ from these Numberss. Grosss are recognized on commercial gross revenues when merchandises are shipped or when services are performed. Gross on production contracts are recorded when specific contract footings are fulfilled. These sums are determined either by the units of production or bringing methods. Grosss from cost reimbursement contracts are recorded as costs are incurred, plus fees earned. Gross under long-run contracts in which the old two methods are inappropriate, the percentage-of-completion method is used. Revenue under technology contracts are by and large recognized as certain? mileposts? are attained. The percentage-of-completion method recognizes a part of the estimated gross net income for each period based on advancement to day of the month. Advancement to day of the month is based on three factors. These three factors are the costs incurred to day of the month, the most recent estimation of the undertaking? s sum cost, and the most recent gross net income per centum. Advancement to day of the month is assumed to be the proportion of the undertaking? s costs incurred to day of the month divided by entire estimated costs. This fraction is known as the estimated per centum of completion, and is the estimated per centum of completion. However, he biggest defect with this method is that it merely deals with costs. This means that there may non be strong correlativity between physical advancement and costs incurred. Conceptually, one would desire to fit grosss when the net incomes procedure is judged to be complete. Since costs don? t needfully intend physical completion, the grosss may non stand for existent completio n. However, this method does fit all grosss with appropriate disbursals. The audit hazards associated with this method is that cost incurrence could be accelerated to increase the estimation of the per centum completed. Let? s say Esco is executing a three-year contract. For simpleness, allow? s say the contract monetary value is $ 1000. The first twelvemonth of the contract, existent costs incurred to day of the month is $ 200, and the estimated remaining costs is $ 400. This would name for a jutting $ 400 gross net income on the full undertaking ( $ 1000- $ 600 ) . To calculate out the gross net income for the first twelvemonth, you would take the existent costs to day of the month ( $ 200 ) and split that by the estimated entire cost ( $ 600 ) . This equals the estimated per centum of completion ( 33 % ) . You would so take this figure and multiply it by the entire undertaking gross net income ( 33 % * $ 400 ) , and that would be the gross net income earned to day of the month. In subsequent old ages, you would take the net income earned to day of the month and subtract from it the gross net income recognized in old old ages. The following company I? vitamin D like to speak about is Aerosonic Corporation, who is in the same industry as Esco. The primary concern of Aerosonic Corporation is to fabricate and sell aircraft instruments to authorities and commercial users from its workss in Florida, Virginia, and Kansas. Prior to 1996, the company besides sold non-munitions constituents for heavy weapon missiles to the U.S. authorities and automotive and truck parts to commercial clients. The company? s clients are worldwide. Aerosonic by and large recognizes gross from gross revenues of its merchandises on the accrual footing on the day of the month such merchandises are shipped. In certain fortunes, the U.S. authorities accepts rubric of merchandises, even though the merchandises are on the Company? s premises. When the U.S. authorities accepts title in authorship, and assumes all hazards associated with those merchandises, so the Company records these points as gross revenues. Like Esco, Aerosonic follows the percentage-of completion method to account for long-run technology contracts. Revisions in costs and gross estimations are reflected in the periods in which the alterations are made. Commissariats for estimated losingss are determined without respect to the percentage-of-completion. Like Esco, Aerosonic? s fiscal statements are based to a great extent on direction? s estimations. To hearers, this raises a ruddy flag. Hearers must be careful when carry oning the audits of these peculiar companies. It is instead easy, and conceivable for direction to pull strings net incomes to run into jutting sums. Another of import country is that a company like Aerosonic has one major client, and that is U.S. authorities. Another of import factor is that Aerosonic recognizes gross when rubric transportations to the authorities. Since the two parties are closely related in a concern sense, Aerosonic may hold the inducement to force rubrics of merchandises to the authorities to run into mark grosss. Hearers should take attention in finding whether or non the fiscal statements conform by and large accepted accounting rules. 32d By: Pete Schmer

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Virtualization and Cloud Computing Child Protection Nonprofit Organiz

Question: Discuss about theVirtualization and Cloud Computing for Child Protection Nonprofit Organization. Answer: Introduction The report depicts that cloud computing technology is able to offer complete solution to the nonprofit child protection organization. The solution will provide competitive advantages with top level management system and complete integrated approaches so that the combining strategy can provide efficient and cost effective service to the organization. The report will discuss why the remote administration, resource management and SLA management system is needed to be acquired by the cloud based solution. It will also demonstrate the reason for which the backup, disaster recovery and application resilience are required to be adopted to develop the over operation of the system. Finally, the report will provide the importance of SLA guidelines and how they can be used to access the SLA. Discussion on the Requirements for Remote Administration, Resource Management and SLA Management The existing data management system of the organization is traditional and the data management has become inefficient in nature. In order to develop the overall management the organization has planned to adopt a cloud based solution, so that manual adjustment can enhance the capacity of the database (Rittinghouse Ransome, 2016). The professional cloud solution has certain features including cloud ecosystem, cross platform integration, application program integration support and IT based cloud infrastructure. The selected cloud vendor is Microsoft where, the infrastructure service is Microsoft private cloud, software MS office 365 and the Platform is windows azure including .net, java and Php (Jadeja Modi, 2012). Remote Administration The remote administration is a mechanism that allows the cloud consumers to perform in the remote locations. The IT resources will minimize the amount of effort including the time and overall services. In this case, the web application interface is directly connected to the remote administration system that helps to control the overall service. On the other hand, the cloud administrator is connected to the remote administration service via different management tools. The management of the cloud service is different from the on premise private IT resource from all aspects. Again, a cloud based resource is transferred to the cloud provider being a part of the control and responsibility. Nowadays, remote administration service tools helps to connect and process different computers and servers together. It helps to avoid the technical risks (Beloglazov, Abawajy Buyya, 2012). The administrator will manage the complete system by monitoring without any external interruption. The professionals will help the end users to perform efficiently. Figure 1: remote administration (Source: Jadeja Modi, 2012, pp-877) Resource Management The resource management process is referred to as the usage and selection of the most effective resource for companys improvement. The resource might be tangible or it might be financial, device based or labour resources (Liu et al., 2015). This is the decision making process in which an organization can select the best suited option for the improvement of the company. It will provide a clear evidence to let the organization know that how many employees are busy and how many still not (Jadeja Modi, 2012). Particularly for this organization, the resource management team is divided into financial resource management, human resource management and inventory resource management. In order to develop the resource management system the organization is needed to allocate the resources of the organization and these resources includes different advanced technologies (Sadiku, Musa Momoh, 2014). Microsoft cloud solution serves automation software tools such as timesheet software, tracking and monitoring software. An appropriate resource management system will optimize the time and improve the bottom line. SLA Management Service level agreement (SLA) is referred to as a contract between the consumers and the service provider (Beloglazov, Abawajy Buyya, 2012). It will help the organization to perform up to the expectation of the clients. There are some agreements that are needed to be maintained by the organization to develop the overall system. The specific requirements are as follows: Whenever the data will be required the authorized employees can access the data from the storage. A standard or benchmark is specified to which the level of current performance off the organization will be performed (Garg, Versteeg Buyya, 2013). Response time is available according to the time. Usage statics are needed to be provided by the system. According to the user requirement the data might be changed including the overall system (Garg, Versteeg Buyya, 2013). Discussion on the Consideration of Application Resilience, Backup and Disaster Recovery Application Resilience The application resilience can be classified based on its affect on the consumers. As a single entity the complete application environment, data replication and digital devices are combined. These following categories are as follows: After the outage of the application the manual restart option is available but on the basis of the state of the data restart processes are applied in the practical field. The users are capable to resume the application whenever required and the manual repositioning system is also available (Jadeja Modi, 2012). Within a possible boundary the consumer and the service providers can transact their data when required. The distributed application is a system dull of complexity and the configuration, operation and the overall management system is collaboratively applied to the cloud solution so that the consumes can reflect their point of view (Whaiduzzaman et al., 2014). Backup As the traditional management system was based on file management thus data handling technology was very confusing and complex as well (Sadiku, Musa Momoh, 2014). Thus the organization is needed to setup a backup so that when any data is required that can be fetched from the data storage without any interruption or external attack. Disaster Recovery Before implementation of any cloud based technology an organization should analyze all the risks that might occur due to failure of the technology (Dinh et al., 2013). As in this case the confidential data could get hacked or attacked by the outsider and they can misuse these. Therefore, the organization must keep panning for the data recovery and all other disaster recovery. External and internal both data can be recovered by implementing proper cloud based solution (Rittinghouse Ransome, 2016). The Microsoft cloud vendor act very efficiently thus, it can fix all the disaster. Usability of Erls SLA Guideline to Access the Appropriate SLA The SLA guideline will help the organization to build a more efficient configuration. The guidelines are as follows: Revisit before finalization: The architecture must be applied once before practical implementation so that the organization will be able to understand whether the system is feasible or not (Garg, Versteeg Buyya, 2013). Marketing tool implementation: Marketing tools are needed to be used so that the business application becomes beneficial for the organization (Espadas et al., 2013). As the organization is nonprofit thus they do not want to focus o the benefit but they want to focus on the management system. Conclusion From the overall discussion it can be concluded that, the organization has adopted Microsoft cloud based solution for the organization thus, cost effective, reliable and flexible system has been generated. The report has also mentioned the importance and requirement of remote administration, application resilience and SLA management system. Apart from this, it has also mentioned the necessity of disaster recovery, backup and resource management. Finally, the report has also mentioned Erls SLA guideline needed to access the stored data. References Rittinghouse, J. W., Ransome, J. F. (2016).Cloud computing: implementation, management, and security. CRC press. Beloglazov, A., Abawajy, J., Buyya, R. (2012). Energy-aware resource allocation heuristics for efficient management of data centers for cloud computing.Future generation computer systems,28(5), 755-768. Dinh, H. T., Lee, C., Niyato, D., Wang, P. (2013). A survey of mobile cloud computing: architecture, applications, and approaches.Wireless communications and mobile computing,13(18), 1587-1611. Sadiku, M. N., Musa, S. M., Momoh, O. D. (2014). Cloud computing: opportunities and challenges.IEEE potentials,33(1), 34-36. Sadiku, M. N., Musa, S. M., Momoh, O. D. (2014). Cloud computing: opportunities and challenges.IEEE potentials,33(1), 34-36. Jadeja, Y., Modi, K. (2012, March). Cloud computing-concepts, architecture and challenges. InComputing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies (ICCEET), 2012 International Conference on(pp. 877-880). IEEE. Garg, S. K., Versteeg, S., Buyya, R. (2013). A framework for ranking of cloud computing services.Future Generation Computer Systems,29(4), 1012-1023. Liu, J., Zhu, W., Ebrahimi, T., Apostolopoulos, J., Hua, X. S., Wu, C. (2015). Introduction to the Special Section on Visual Computing in the Cloud: Fundamentals and Applications.IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,25(12), 1885-1887. Whaiduzzaman, M., Sookhak, M., Gani, A., Buyya, R. (2014). A survey on vehicular cloud computing.Journal of Network and Computer Applications,40, 325-344. Espadas, J., Molina, A., Jimnez, G., Molina, M., Ramrez, R., Concha, D. (2013). A tenant-based resource allocation model for scaling Software-as-a-Service applications over cloud computing infrastructures.Future Generation Computer Systems,29(1), 273-286.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Love’s Alchemy Essay Example

Love’s Alchemy Essay Name: Instructor: Course: Date: We will write a custom essay sample on Love’s Alchemy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Love’s Alchemy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Love’s Alchemy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Love’s Alchemy At the beginning of the poem, John Donne compares a person in love to an alchemist. While an alchemist sorts to create gold from useless metal and make an elixir of life, a hopeless romantic seeks to create a love that lasts for eternity, or till they die. In the speaker’s point of view, both things are impossible. According to the writer, a love that is blissful and pure is only a farce. Just like the alchemist who works fruitlessly to achieve an impossible thing, the ignorant lover is just as stupid. John implies that those who claim to attain a pure love are lying that what they are after is sexual satisfaction. John uses an oxymoron when he says ‘So, lovers dream a rich and long delight, but get a winter-seeming summer’s night’. Those who go looking for love expect a lifetime of it, only to find that it can never last. This can be translated to mean that one night of fun can result to a lifetime of misery, which might be the taking care of a child. The alchemist wastes his time trying to make medicine that works. In turn, all he gets is a ‘chemic’ that smells. In the same way, a person who hopes to find a love that is pure and lasts is disappointed for none exists. The words ‘get’ and ‘got’ mean that he has experienced physical love. He is however, disappointed that he is yet to find what others call ‘spiritual love’. The speaker admits that they are those that are more knowledgeable than he is when it comes to love. He says ‘some that have deeper digg’d love’s mine than I, Say, where his centric happiness doth’. This could mean that he believes the only thing that can be achieved from this relationship is sexual intercourse, that those that understand it have discovered its true ‘centric’ or ultimate happiness. It could also mean that anyone is stupid if he/she ever tried to understand love. He points that he has ‘got’ ‘loved’ and ‘told’ in his quest for love, but he has not been successful, just like the alchemist who keeps trying but never succeeds. He has followed steps, just like an alchemist would, but it does not seem to work for him. He attributes this failure in finding ‘spiritual love’ to the fact that he quests something that is not there, and therefore, cannot be found. Hence, everything hopeless romantics claim to be true is ‘imposture all’. An alchemist will claim he can make gold and take your money, but his efforts will be fruitless. The ‘glorified pregnant pot’ for the alchemist is the ‘odoriferous thing’ he got after wasting his time, money and effort thinking that he can make an elixir. If he is to yield a substance that smells, then he will go around glorifying his findings. For the two love-struck individuals who sort out a pure love, a baby was what they got instead. Since the speaker finds love to be merely sexual, he sees no need to invest his time, honor, money and sacrificing his ‘ease’ in the ridiculous notion of love. He also claims that it is stupid to believe that love is a union of the mind. Even uneducated men like his servant, a common person, can feel the same pleasure as he if they chose to take a wife. A man should not seek qualities in a woman that are to be found in the masculine gender, and say that he has taken her as mate, an equal, because of her mind or personality, thinking that, in her, he will find ‘angelic’ intellect. Women do not possess a mind, and the only thing one should hope for is sweetness. A woman is only complete when she is joined with man. The mummy that Donne talks of in the poem can be said to bring out women as beings without a soul, weak and obedient. Though they may be sweet and witty, they are mindless walking bodies. They are thoughtless, sex objects. It could also mean that when they are taken in as wives or possessed, the sweetness and wittiness disappears. They prove to be the opposite of what men married them for. Another meaning might be that a certain spirit possesses women. Here, he uses a metaphor to poke fun at women. The poem’s name is ironic. The speaker claims that love does not last; therefore, there is no alchemy of love. If the alchemy of metals was stupid, then the alchemy of love was equally absurd. Those that say that marriage is a union of the mind and body lie; just like saying they hear vulgar music from beyond the spheres during wedding ceremonies. The writer uses the word ‘play’ at the near end of the play. He implies that a Platonist that marries for love and a man that takes a wife without that notion are the same. Both end up being disappointed since none will be led to the pleasure that is said to exist in real love. They only find temporary physical pleasure. The poem has used the rhyme scheme ‘aabbacddccee’. It gives the poem the feeling of a song while at the same time enhancing the view of love as a ‘mystery’. The personification of ‘pregnant pot’ has been used to represent a woman’s pregnant belly and the alchemist’s pot. The belly is because of a false notion, and the pot holds a failed experiment. The speaker tries to save men from falling for the lies that he did, to let others know that he, like others before him, has tried time and again, and failed. Just like the alchemist and his never-ending failed experiments, pure love cannot be found. Anyone who claims to have found that kind of love is leading others astray. Disappointment befalls both the alchemist and the lover, as he will soon find out. John uses allusions in the poem to show how difficulty it is to find love. Alchemy and vain bubble achieve this. He enhances his argument through stylistic devices such as tone, symbolism, similes and metaphors. Love’s Alchemy Essay Example Love’s Alchemy Essay Name:Course:Lecturer:Date: Love’s Alchemy In the poem Love’s Alchemy, John Donne creates a parallel through an analogy. Primarily, this analogy is the main aspect that served as my inspiration to carry out an analysis on this literary work. This inspiration came from the parallel between a Platonist who is looking for love and an alchemist who looks to turn gold from its base metal. This premise leads Donne to state his belief that true love does not exist. The notion that Donne brings forward is also similar to what I believe in. In my view, I do not believe that there is any true happiness in love, and it only wastes someone’s time until death claims his or her life. We will write a custom essay sample on Love’s Alchemy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Love’s Alchemy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Love’s Alchemy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Donne uses a sonnet form through the lines, by implying that we should not vest our trust in anyone who claims to have found true love because it does not exist. Upon analyzing the sonnet in the poem, especially one of the lyrics, it is notable that the implication is that we should not trust anyone who claims to have found happiness (McLennan 52). This comes through the word â€Å"imposture† which implies that we cannot be able to find centric happiness regardless of our attempts to look for it. In this poem, Donne states that some people may have experienced more love than he may have. In this case, such people have been able to penetrate deep into the mystery of love. This implies that they have gone beyond sensual love and have been able to identify its essential happiness. Donne utilizes the sonnet to make the transition from a Platonist to an alchemist between the lines. When using the sonnet to describe an alchemist, Donne states that he labors with an experiment to make medicine for a given ailment, but only ends up with an odor of the chemicals that clings on his garments. In this part, Donne introduces us to the word â€Å"chemic†. This word stands for the analogous person who has tried in vain to find true happiness. He exhibits similarity with the alchemist who is working tirelessly to make medicine many illnesses through an â€Å"elixir†. Ultimately, Donne compares alchemists of love to alchemists that pursue making gold from base metals. The first line in particular compares alchemists to miners (McLennan 67). Indeed, Donne plays with sonnet convention through the concept of love. His perspective of love states that true love or happiness does not exist in this world, and those that search for it only do so in vain. The poem goes further to indicate that we do not need to spend all that we have as the chemic does in order to find true happiness. Chemics spend all their wealth and time at the expense of their pleasure in medical experiments that never yield any fruit. Regardless of how we may labor, we will not reap anything beneficial in the end. All that we get is insults and scorn from people. In conclusion, from what I was able to infer from the poem, achieving happiness and true love is just a figment of our imagination. The love that we perceive to have is not true, and we should be contented with it. We may labor with all our strength, but our efforts do not yield any fruit. Achieving true happiness and true love is not possible because they do not exist (McLennan, 47). We only have to be grateful for the love we have regardless if it is true or not. Works Cited McLennan, E A. Love’s Divine Alchemy. Montreal: J. Lovell, 2003. Print.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

uuggfds Essays

uuggfds Essays uuggfds Essay uuggfds Essay Ram Mohammed Singh Azad (Udham Singh) Born 26 December 1899 Sunam, Punjab, British India Died 31 July 1940 (aged 40) Pentonville Prison, United Kingdom Organization Ghadar Party, Hindustan Socialist Republican Association,lndian Workers Association Political movement Indian Independence movement Religion Sikh Mohammed was an Indian revolutionary, best known for assassinating Michael ODwyer in March 1940 in what has been described as an avenging of the Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre. His name was Udhan Singh but he changed it to Ram Mohammad Singh Azad, symbolising the equality of all faith and of the three major religions of India: Hinduism, Islam and Sikhism. Singh is considered one of the best-known revolutionaries of the Indian independence struggle; he is also sometimes referred to as Shaheed-I-Azam Sardar Udham Singh (the expression Shaheed-i- Azam, Urdu: 3-45, means the great martyr). Bhagat Singh and Singh along with Chandrasekhar Azad,RaJguru and Sukhdev, were among the most famous revolutionaries in the first half of 20th-century India. For their actions, the British government labelled these men as Indias earliest Marxists. He was born in Shahpur Kalan village in Sunam Tehsil in Sangrur district of Punjab, India. He was born to a Sikh farming family headed by Sardar Tehal Singh Jammu (known as Chuhar Singh before taking the Amrit). Sardar Tehal Singh was at that time working as a watchman on a railway crossing in the village of Upalli. Singhs mother died in 1901. His father followed in 1907. With the help of Bhai Kishan Singh Ragi, both Sher Singh and his elder brother, Mukta Singh, were taken in by the Central Khalsa Orphanage Putlighar in Amritsar on 24 October 1907. They were administered the Sikh initiatory rites at theorphanage and received new names: Sher Singh became Udham Singh, and Mukta Singh became Sadhu Singh. Sadhu Singh died in 1917, which came as a great shock to his brother. While at orphanage, Singh was trained in various arts and crafts. He passed his matriculation examination in 1918 and left the orphanage in 1919. On 13 April 1919, over twenty thousand unarmed Indians (Sikhs Hindus), peacefully assembled in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar, to listen to several prominent local leaders speak out against British colonial rule in India and against the arrest and deportation of Dr. Satya Pal, Dr. Saifuddin Kitchlew, and few others under the unpopular Rowlatt Act. Singh and his friends from the orphanage ere serving water to the crowd. Not much later, a band of 90 soldiers armed with two armoured cars with mounted machine guns. The vehicles were unable to enter the Bagh owing to the narrow entrance. Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer was in command. The troops had entered the Bagh by about 5 PM. With no warning to the crowd to disperse, Dyer ordered his troops to open fire. The attack lasted ten minutes. Since the only exit was barred by soldiers, people tried to climb the walls of the park. Some also Jumped into a well inside the compound to escape the bullets. A laque in the monument says that 120 bodies were plucked out of the well alone. Singh mainly held Michael ODwyer responsible for what came to be known as the Amritsar Massacre. New research supporting this fact reveals the massacre to have occurred with the Governors full connivance to teach the Indians a lesson, to make a wide impression and to strike terror throughout Punjab. The incident had greatly shaken young Singh and proved a turning point in his life. After bathing in the holy sarovar (pool of nectar), Singh took a silent vow and solemn pledge in front f the Golden Temple to wreak a vengeance on the perpetrators of the crime and to restore honour to what he saw as a humiliated nation. The opportunity came on 13 March 1940, almost 21 years after the Jallianwala Bagh killings: A Joint meeting of the East India Association and the Central Asian Society (now Royal Society for Asian Affairs) was scheduled at Caxton Hall, and among the speakers was Michael ODwyer. Singh concealed his revolver in a book specially cut for the purpose and managed to enter the hall. He took up his position against the wall. At the end of the meeting, the athering stood up, and ODwyer moved towards the platform to talk to Zetland. Singh pulled his revolver and fired. ODwyer was hit twice and died immediately. Then Singh fired at Zetland, the Secretary of State for India, injuring him but not seriously. Incidentally, Luis Dane was hit by one shot, which broke his radius bone and dropped him to the ground with serious injuries. A bullet also hit Lord Lamington, whose right hand was shattered. Singh did not intend to escape. He was arrested on the spot. His weapon, a knife, his diary, and a bullet fired on the day are ow kept in the Black Museum of Scotland Yard. While in Police custody, Singh remarked: Is Zetland dead? He ought to be. I put two into him right there, indicating with his hand the pit of his stomach on the left side. Singh remained quiet for several minutes and then again said: Only one dead, eh? I thought I could get more. I must have been too slow. There were a lot of women about, you know. On 1 April 1940, Singh was formally charged with the murder of Michael ODwyer. While awaiting trial in Brixton Prison Singh went on a 42-day hunger strike and had to be forcibly fed aily. On 4 June 1940, he was committed to trial, at the Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, before Justice Atkinson. When the court asked about his name, he replied Ram Mohammad Singh Azad, (Ram as a Hindu name, Mohammad as a Muslim name and Singh as a Sikh name). Azad means to be free. This demonstrated the four things that were dear to him and his transcendence of race, caste, creed, and religion. Singh explained: l did it because I had a grudge against him. He deserved it. Singh was convicted, and Atkinson sentenced him to death. On 31 July 1940, Singh was hanged at Pentonville Prison. As with other executed prisoners, he was buried later that afternoon within the prison grounds. In March 1940, Indian National Congress leader Jawahar Lal Nehru, condemned the action of Singh as senseless, but statement in the daily Partap: l salute Shaheed-I-Azam Udham Singh with reverence who had kissed the noose so that we may be free. The Hindustan Socialist Republican Army condemned Mahatama Gandhis statement referring to Bhagat Singh as well as also to the capital punishment of Singh, which it considered to be a challenge to the Indian Youths.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why young people join gangs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Why young people join gangs - Essay Example A gang is a relatively durable, predominantly street-based group of young people who see themselves (and are seen by others) as a discernible group who engage in a range of criminal activity and violence, who identify with or lay claim over territory, have some form of identifying structural feature and are in conflict with other similar gangs (Centre for Social Justice, 2009, p. 21). Youth make a conscious choice to join a gang during adolescence, and multiple personal and environmental factors influence this choice A youth gang can also be defined as a self-formed association of peers having these characteristics: a gang name with recognizable symbols, identifiable leadership, a geographic territory, a regular meeting pattern, and collective actions to carry out illegal activities (Howell, 1997, p. 1). The majority of gang members are male and almost half of them are under the age of 18 years (Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, 2011, p. 2). This research will try to look at the factors and pre-conditions that make gang life an attractive and desirable option to the young people. The themes that will be espoused in the essay will be education and employment, gender, family, poverty ethnicity and peer pressure. The main conclusions to be drawn from the research are that the provision of basic amenities and opportunities will go a long way in preventing young people from engaging in gangs and gang related activities. The social development of a child is rooted in the opportunities, skills and the recognition that builds up through early interactions with family members, friends and teachers (Stefan Hounslea, 2011, p. 9). Education to the progression of a young person is significant. Thornberry discovered that 71.5% of ‘stable gang members’ had dropped out of secondary education compared to 33.6% of non-gang members (Thornberry, 2003, p. 169). He also found that the youth who transitioned smoothly from secondary to